yoga sunset


People around the world have practiced yoga for thousands of years to help reduce stress, improve flexibility and strength, and bring calmness to the mind and spirit. Through a combination of stretching, controlled breathing, and relaxation, Yoga offers an effective, alternative, low-impact exercise that integrates every muscle, organ, and cell of the body, bringing balance to the body and the mind.

yoga is for everyone, anywhere in the world

Yogi Onsite is a tribe of professional yogis who believe that yoga is for everyone regardless of age, ability and location. We realize that modern life is very hectic, and getting to a yoga studio or the gym can be difficult. Our solution is to bring yoga to your doorstep. We offer customized sessions in the privacy of your home, school or workplace. You can have personalized 1:1 sessions at home, or organize a group session for your family, friends or kids at school or in the neighborhood. Or organize a session at your workplace as part of your company's wellness activity. Our virtual online classes can help include your remote team members.


Individual sessions allow you to have the complete attention of a trained yogi who can help you deepen your practice, teach you at your own pace, and focus on particular areas.

group class

friends & family

Yoga can help families and friends connect and find balance. Your yogi will tailor the program for your family and/or friends, and get you moving in no time. We also teach kids at school.

workplace yoga


Yoga brings a unique perspective to the workplace, combining physical health with mindfulness to help your employees harness their inner strength and increase productivity.

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